Celebrating the Past & Hope for the Future

2024 By the Numbers

Thank you for your prayers, financial support and time volunteered in 2024. 

With God’s help our team and partners were able to accomplish major milestones!

100,000 pounds of healthy food were redistributed across Mission, Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Langley and Surrey! This creates food security for housebound seniors, single moms, Refugee Claimants, Indigenous households, and others struggling to make ends meet.. 

400 people attended monthly community suppers provided by The Gathering Church. They joined classes in ESL, parenting, emotional healing and self-defense.

65 adults received ESL language training in partnership with Seven Oaks Alliance Church.

52 weekly tea times and 3 seasonal parties where current and former Refugee Claimants chat, learn about Canadian culture, dance, sing and enjoy food made by our volunteers.

46 Refugee Claimants (adults and children) lived in Inasmuch residences. We helped each of them to move into and fully furnish their own rental accommodations.

12 Refugee Claimants secured sustainable employment through our community contacts.

6 children received school kits including school supplies, a water bottle, lunch bag, a gift card and shoes.

Answered Prayers

For most of 2024, our garages were bursting at the seams with donations of furniture and household items given by generous people in Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Langley and Surrey! Despite completing 35 move outs during the year, our staff team was praying for proper storage space for the furniture and household items donated on an ongoing basis.

At the end of December we found a temperature-controlled barn to rent. We are grateful for this provision and invite you to give monthly to help cover the rental cost. See "Finding Hope" Invitation Below

Finding Hope

Inasmuch Fundraiser to Support Our Furnishing Homes Ministry
Join us February 7, 2025 at 7:00 pm at Northview Community Church

Inasmuch is growing! We are housing more Refugee Claimants, collecting more furniture and helping with more moves than ever before. This brings added expenses to cover housing rental costs, utilities and support for our residents.
You can help prevent homelessness and food insecurity! 

Come to our dessert fundraiser and be inspired by stories of Finding Hope through Inasmuch. You will hear stories from residents who discovered hospitality and love through Inasmuch and are now integrating into life in our community.
Reserve your FREE ticket by clicking the orange button below

OR scan the QR code to reserve a FREE ticket

How Can You Help Refugee Claimants this Year?

Volunteer your skills – drive, bake, paint a room, make a meal, befriend someone new. See how to volunteer here: Click here to see volunteer needs
Contribute financially – become a monthly donor to cover expenses like rent and utilities for our safe, confidential housing for Refugee Claimants. We help each adult or family locate their own affordable housing and move into it within 3-4 months Click here to donate now by credit card

Hire a reliable employee – we will connect you with people we know, recommend and trust. Many local employers are finding this to be a safe and valuable option. Email: director@inasmuch.ca

As a family or small group shop for a welcome basket or starter kit  
Pray for our staff – only 4 full time staff provide all the wrap around care for the Refugee Claimants we receive!

ICYMI (In Case you Missed It)

We have a new gift guide. See how you can support refugee claimants this year.

Click the button below to find practical ways that you can make a crucial difference in the life of a refugee claimant adult or child.


An Invitation


The Season is Upon Us